Innon Blog: empowering Niagara engineers worldwide

The Unknown Power of Edge

Written by Innon Team | Nov 16, 2021 2:14:37 PM

You will be surprised to know that most BMS engineers believe the EDGE-10-E controller is way too limited and dismiss looking at it.

The EDGE-10-E can be one of the most versatile Niagara 4 controllers out there only if you know how to harness its power:

  • You can expand the EDGE-10-E with 2 x IO-R-34 IO modules and turn the EDGE-10-E into a powerful 128 point controller with 68 IO points coming from the 2 x IO-R-34, 10 x IO points onboard plus an additional 50 x N4 points left for Modbus or Bacnet integration (coming from a maximum of 3 devices)
  • You can use the 50 x N4 points for Modbus IP or Bacnet IP since the 2 x IO-R-34 keep your RS485 port busy. It means you can expand your EDGE-10-E by adding a virtual RS485 port by using converters for Modbus IP and BACnet IP.
  • You can push the HLI (High-Level Interface) points straight to the Supervisor via the Modbus, Mbus or Bacnet Converters, thus keeping the 128 EDGE-10-E points for control only.

  • The EDGE-10-E comes without N4 maintenance.

You can make the EDGE-10-E even more powerful when you use it with these 3 products:


  • Read up to 127 Modbus devices and convert them to Modbus IP so you can send them directly to the supervisor. It is super useful when you want to do metering, and there is no need for the meters to be in the Edge-10.
  • Read up to 60 M-bus devices, such as heat meters, convert them to M-bus IP, and push them into the site Niagara 4 Supervisor.


  • Read up to 64 BACnet devices and convert them transparently to BACnet IP. 
  • Send the Fan Coil Controller points directly into the Niagara 4 Supervisor.
  • The idea of sending Fan coil points directly to the Niagara 4 Supervisor might be scary at first, but in reality, most Niagara 4 Supervisors have great uptime.


  • Display your powerful Niagara 4 HTML user interface on either a 10 or 15-inch panel-mounted touchscreen.
  • Comes with an Innon kiosk app with auto-login and some special Niagara 4 features such as popups and sound for alarm console


If you'd like to find out more on how you can harness the power of Edge, or learn more about the other products mentioned in this post, you can email the team at who will be happy to answer our questions.